Fireworks can be a source of joy and celebration for humans, but for greyhounds, they can be extremely stressful and even dangerous. As a responsible hound owner, it is essential to take necessary precautions to ensure your greyhound's safety and well-being during fireworks displays. In this blog, we will cover all the essential tips and tricks to help you keep your beloved greyhound safe and calm during these loud and illuminating events.
Create a Safe Haven

Designate a quiet and secure space in your home where your greyhound can retreat to during fireworks. This area should be comfortable and familiar, preferably a room with minimal windows and soundproofing. Close the blinds and / or curtains and create a cosy den with your greyhound's comfortable bed, favourite toy, and a few treats to make it a comforting space.
Greyhounds that are crate trained may choose to lie in their crate as they may feel safe there. It may be helpful to plan ahead and ensure your hound is comfortable in this area. Moving your hound to another area for one evening may be counterproductive and may even increase their fear and stress.

Paddy says: I like lying in my bed in the lounge with my hoomans. The television is usually on, so it helps drown out some of the loud bangs from fireworks. I can even get a cuddle on the sofa when I choose! My hoomans usually have a lamp on but turning on the main light to make the room brighter, makes firework flashes less noticeable.

Keep Your Greyhound Indoors
During fireworks displays, always keep your greyhound indoors. It may be helpful to take your hound out for a walk earlier in the evening before the firework displays begin. If you are letting your greyhound out in the garden, its best to accompany them should they get scared or startled. It is not advisable to leave your greyhound indoors alone on Bonfire Night / Guy Fawkes on 5 November or during any firework displays.
Fireworks can hurt your greyhound’s ears, so it’s not advisable to take your hound near fireworks. Greyhounds have sensitive hearing and so loud bangs from fireworks, (which can reach at least 140 decibels), can cause tinnitus or hearing loss. Whilst there are dog ear plugs on the market, it makes sense to comfort your hound in your home, in a place where they feel safest.
Provide Distractions
Distract your greyhound from the noise by offering engaging activities. Puzzle toys, chew toys, or treat-dispensing toys can help redirect their attention and alleviate anxiety. Engage your hound in interactive play to keep their mind occupied. It is important to not force your greyhound into play but gauge their level of stress / anxiety. If your hound wishes to roam the house and lie in under the bed or kitchen table, then it may be helpful to leave them be if they settle. There are a variety of calming dog treats that you can purchase to help soothe and calm your hound.
What are the signs of a stressed / anxious greyhound?
If you are a new greyhound owner or have a chilled-out hound (like Paddy!), you may not have experienced your greyhound stressed, scared or anxious so it’s important to note what signs to look for so that you may help them settle.
If your greyhound is anxious, scared or stressed, they may lick their lips, yawn, pant or “freeze”. Greyhounds tend not to bark, but they may whine or change their body posture, cowering or shivering and placing their ears flat against their head. You may also notice “whale eye”, when you see the whites of their eyes. They may also tuck their tail between their hind legs, “hide” behind you, follow you around, or retreat to a “safe” place within the home. Your hound may also lose their appetite, refusing dinner or treats.

Calming Music and White Noise
Playing calming music or white noise in the background can help drown out the noise of fireworks. Classical music or specially designed pet relaxation tracks with soothing melodies can have a calming effect on your greyhound.

Paddy says: My hoomum leaves the radio on for me when she goes out to work so I’m used to having Smooth Radio playing!

Desensitise Your Greyhound
Before fireworks season begins, you may gradually expose your greyhound to recorded firework sounds at a low volume. Pair this exposure with positive experiences, such as high value treats or playtime, to create positive associations. Over time, gradually increase the volume to help desensitise your greyhound to the sounds.
Consult With Your Veterinarian
If your greyhound experiences severe anxiety or phobia during fireworks, it may be helpful to seek advice from your vet. They may recommend natural remedies, such as calming pheromone diffusers or anxiety-relieving supplements. In extreme cases, they might prescribe anti-anxiety medication to help your greyhound cope.
Securely Fitted Collar with Identification Tag
Ensure your greyhound is wearing a properly fitted collar with identification tag. In case your greyhound manages to escape during fireworks, this increases the chances of a safe return if they get lost.
Paddy says: I wear a house collar with identification tag. The tag says I’m microchipped and has my hoomans telephone number on the reverse. I also wear a Martingale collar when out for a walk. I walk well on the lead and so a Martingale collar suits me. Some greyhounds pull on the lead, so they may benefit walking using a harness. As I’ve mentioned before, my hoomum is scared she loses me, so I use a double ended lead!
By following these tips, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your greyhound during fireworks. Remember, your greyhound relies on you to provide a sense of security and comfort during these potentially frightening events. With a little preparation and care, you can help your greyhound stay calm, happy, and safe throughout the fireworks season.
